The mother-daughter relationship is so special. We as daughters are exceedingly blessed to have godly mothers and be raised in a Christian home. We are put in our families for a reason. Our family is part of God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Do we believe that? And if so, what are we doing about it?
Our mothers have a lot to offer us! Are we willing to listen to and heed the wisdom of our mothers? From our mother we have the opportunity to learn more than at a dozen universities. They are skilled professors in the areas of child care and education, nutrition, household equipment, hygiene, textiles, housecleaning, family relationships, and interior design. And they live in the same house as us! More importantly, our mothers have a wealth of knowledge from their experience of being a child of God.
Proverbs 6:20 says “My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother.” Girls, do not toss aside this time with our mothers that we have to embrace their law. Instead, take advantage of it. Deuteronomy 5:16 “Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.”
I know we all love our mothers. But do we honor them? Do we take every opportunity to be with them? Do we praise them to our friends and siblings? Do we listen to them, obey them? Our mothers have done so much for us. They deserve our honor. Moreover, we are commanded by God to honor them.
Our mothers are given to us as examples. I am blessed to have a mother with the courage of Esther, the servant’s heart of Mary, and the diligence of the Proverbs 31 woman. My mother is my counselor, my teacher, my confidante, my companion and my very dear friend. It is such a blessing to have someone with such wisdom with whom I can share my heart and life with. I am so thankful for the picture I see every morning of my mother reading her Bible and engrossed in the study of God’s Word. I am so thankful to have a mother that prays for me every day. My mother has given me an example of a godly woman that I would be honored to emulate. Heroines of faith live with us everyday. How much we have to be thankful for.
~by Becky Florio

Good job Becky! That's a good question: Do we honor our mothers?
I loved the pictures!
Mothers need honor!!!! We owe them honor!! Amen!! May we all learn to do that more!!
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