Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eyes Fixed On Jesus

“This is such a nice, cozy little car. I love how it drives. We should drive it more often. Maybe this will be my car someday.”

That’s what I was thinking as I was driving to the bank with my dad a few Saturdays ago. We were driving our little Escort, which we don’t drive very often.

As we were gliding along the highway and I was thinking these sweet thoughts, I suddenly noticed a creepy, furry, gray, gross ball on our windshield wiper. That couldn’t be… Was it…. Oh no. A MOUSE!

The next few minutes are rather blurry in my recollection. I clasped one hand over my mouth and held onto the wheel in my other hand. I started screaming and crying. Then Dad was yelling at me. “Hold onto the wheel! What’s the matter? Stop screaming!” I couldn’t speak. All I could do was scream.

“JENNY!” Dad yelled at the top of his lungs. “THE ROAD IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE MOUSE!!”

I swerved off the road and pulled over into a parking lot. I jumped out of the car, nearly choking myself in the tangled seat belt. I hurried over to the other side of the parking lot and watched as Dad shooed the mouse away with an umbrella.

After the mouse ran into a bush, Dad mercifully examined the entire car for any more rodents, trying to assure me that a mouse couldn’t get inside the car from outside (is that really true?). Finally I mustered up my courage and slid into the passenger seat. Dad drove the rest of the way.

Okay, in retrospect I’ll admit that a mouse can’t hurt me (maybe). Certainly rushing, oncoming cars are more dangerous. But at the time all I could see and think about was that little mouse.

This reminds me of our spiritual lives. How easy it is to take our eyes off of God’s bigger picture, eternity! How easily we are distracted by earthly things which will tomorrow be gone (Matthew 6:30).

I wonder what God thinks when He looks down on us, as He watches us fret and fuss over such silly things (i.e., man’s admiration, pleasure, money, mice on the windshield). He sees the whole picture- He sees eternity- He is eternity.

“Oh, My child,” He says. “Come to Me, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

I was reading this verse the other day and asked myself, “Am I willing to be lowly, as Jesus was? Am I really willing to take His yoke and yield myself totally to Him?”

And yet His yoke is easy and light. He has overcome the world (1 John 4:4).

What a good God we serve! He is faithful to us when so often we fail Him. How can we ever take our eyes off of Him, who has done so very much for us?

I want to say along with Paul, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians 2:2). Is He really all we think about? Is He our first and only love? Does our passion for Him consume every detail of our lives?

I want everything I do to count for eternity. Before every activity I want to ask myself, “Will this further the kingdom of God? Is this what Jesus would do?” Truly, nothing can be more important than the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is the only thing we can’t do in heaven!

God, I love You and I want to love You more. Make me “meet for the Master’s use.” Keep my eyes on You.

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).


Anonymous said...

That was a hilarious story about the mouse!! And how true about our spiritual lives.
All we have to do is "turn our eyes upon Jesus"!!!

~Emily Sayer

Anonymous said...

Amen Jenny!!! This was great. I know I find myself getting distracted at times. Then I need to get back on track. Thank you for this reminder! Keep shining for Jesus! Oh...and...watch out for mice on the wind shield. :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jenny! I loved reading about your mouse story, and how true it is that we get distracted from our main goal in life. Thank you for this reminder to keep our eyes fixed on Christ.